Mr. E enchants the kindergartners with stories of many-colored tomatoes. Drop by and meet him. Bring your class and ask him about his solar-powered fountain project.
The flower is the blossoming part of the plant. Flowers make seeds for the plant to reproduce itself. Different parts of the flower do different jobs. The colorful petals attract a pollinator like a bird or insect. The stamens drop pollen onto the pistil. The pollen travels down inside the pistil to the ovary. The seeds grow inside the ovary. The flower looks beautiful but it has a very important job to do for the plant.
"We need to help students and parents cherish and preserve the ethnic and cultural diversity that nourishes and strengthens this community - and this nation."
Three teachers from Longwood attended this year's conference at UCBerkeley. We had a workshop on teaching birdwatching; a workshop on how scientists work; a workshop on creating interesting activities for students in the garden; and a workshop on basket making and weaving tule like the Native peoples of the Bay Area. There were more than sixty teachers altogether who participated to share the knowledge about gardening in schools.
I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
The stem helps the plant move water from the roots to the leaves. We did an experiment with an asparagus stem to see how the water travels through the stem. The water travels up through tiny tubes in the stem. After a little time, the asparagus changes color from the colored water. You can see the color change in the leaves.
The stem is the part of the plant that connects the roots with the leaves. The stem is sometimes called a stalk or trunk. The stem usually grows above ground. Some plants have a stem that grows underground. The stem supports the plant as it grows. It carries water from the roots to the leaves. The stem is an important part of the plant.
The root is the part of the plant that grows underground. The root anchors the plant so it has a space to grow. The root absorbs water from the soil. When the leaves make food for the plant it is stored in the roots. There are lots of roots that people eat.
Yo leí el cuento de "Bajo la luna de limón". Los personajes fue la anciana, la abuela, el papá, y la mamá y una niña llamada Rosalinda. El cuento tomó en lugar en el jardín de Rosalinda, la casa de la abuela y el mercado. El problema fue que el Hombre de la Noche se estaba robando los limones de Rosalinda. A mi me gustó leer ese cuento porque la anciana le dio una rama y Rosalinda le pusó la rama cuando estaba la luna llena. Crecieron muchos limones que parecían la luna llena.
GLC (Growing Learning Communities) came to Longwood today after school. Teachers from different schools in Hayward and Oakland came to see our garden. We learned about different kinds of cucumbers. We tasted the cucumbers, then learned how to plant the seeds. We also looked at all the planting beds to see the different stages that the fava beans are at. Later, we got together in the teacher room to eat dinner together. After dinner we had a lesson on fat in food and excercise in the classroom.