First day of school and already we have been to the garden. I took the students out for a walk through the garden to see all the different colors that are there. We had our clipboards and paper and pencil. Before we left the classroom I showed them how to make a tally of a number of things. We talked about the different colors of flowers we would likely see out there. Before we left the room I made sure we also talked about how to behave in the garden.
Out in the garden it was beautiful today. We sat for a little while to observe everything before I let them loose, counting every different color of flower that they could find. Before we came back to the classroom we sat and talked about why it is so important to protect the living plants in the garden. Finally, we walked around back to see Mr. French's plot.
Back in the classroom I read the bilingual story "Pájaros de la cosecha/The Harvest Birds by Blanca López de Mariscal. It is basically a "Three Sisters Garden" story about a man who doesn't have his own land and must rely upon the natural world to help him grow his food. I love this story because it really shows how much we can learn from Nature by opening our eyes and hearts.
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