I went to visit the garden last week. I was very excited to see how much the garden had changed since we went on vacation in June. Boy was I surprised. The first thing that struck me was how tall the mullein had grown. Big thin spikes of yellow flowers were standing straight up on a rosette base. The spikes were about 2 metres high and the diameter of the base is about a meter across. I remember when I planted these flowers they were lost in a 3 inch pot!
Another flower that is doing very well is my pink hollyhock. Before school let out I cut back the main spike that had grown during the winter. In its place has sprung up about eight canes with delicate pink flowers marching up to the sky.
I am very pleased with how well Elizabeth has taken over the garden and turned it into a space that is central to our school community. It really does seem that as we grow our garden we are also growing a new school and I think we can really thank Elizabeth for helping us get this process started.
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